Falx cerebri tentorium cerebelli

The falx cerebri (or falx) is a scythe-shaped band of dura matter that separates a part of the cerebral hemispheres. Its inferior boundary is defined by the inferior sagittal sinus and straight sinus. The tentorium cerebelli (or tentorium) separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum and brain stem.Sept 20, 2017

Where do you find the falx cerebri falx cerebelli and tentorium cerebelli?

It reflects downward between the hemispheres, attaching anteriorly and laterally to points on the skull and posteriorly to another partition, the tentorium cerebelli (also known simply as the tentorium). The falx cerebelli is located below the tentorium cerebelli on the middle of the occipital bone.

What is the function of the tentorium cerebelli?

The tent shape of the tentorium cerebelli helps maintain the anatomy of the brain by providing protection against the pressure caused by the heavier upper part of the brain 4. If the tentorium cerebellum or falx cerebri were severed, sagging of the brain would take place [4].

What does the tentorium cerebelli attach?

The tentorium cerebelli is attached to the falx cerebri at its midline, and this attachment contains the straight sinus. This attachment is more superior than its anterolateral and posterolateral attachments giving it a "tented" appearance 1.

What does falx cerebri attach to?

crista galli The falx cerebri is relatively thin anteriorly where it attaches to the crista galli of the ethmoid bone, but is broader posteriorly where it attaches to the superior surface of the tentorium cerebelli inferiorly 1,2.

What is the pia mater?

The pia mater is the meningeal envelope that firmly adheres to the surface of the brain and spinal cord. It is a very thin membrane composed of fibrous tissue covered on its outer surface by a sheet of flat cells thought to be impermeable to fluid.…

What does the Arbor Vitae refer to quizlet?

Terms in this set (9) The arbor vitae refers to. cerebellar white matter pattern. cerebellar peduncles are. the paired fiber tracts that connect the cerebellum to the brain stem.

What is the function of the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli?

The falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli are dural structures found in the brain. Due to the roles both structures play in constraining brain motion, the falx and tentorium must be identified and included in finite element models of the head to accurately predict brain dynamics during injury events.

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