Gaza freedom flotilla

In which country did the Freedom Flotilla start?

Israel Overview. The flotilla was the Free Gaza Movement's ninth attempt to break the naval blockade imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip. Israel proposed inspecting the cargo at the Port of Ashdod and then delivering non-blockaded goods through land crossings, but this proposal was turned down.

Why is there a blockade on Gaza?

Israel said that the blockade was necessary to protect Israeli citizens from "terrorism, rocket attacks and any other hostile activity" and to prevent dual use goods from entering Gaza.

Why is Gaza separated from Israel?

It was not recognized by any country outside the Arab League. After the cessation of hostilities, the Israel–Egypt Armistice Agreement of 24 February 1949 established the separation line between Egyptian and Israeli forces, and set what became the present boundary between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

Who originally owned Gaza?

Originally a Canaanite settlement, it came under the control of the ancient Egyptians for roughly 350 years before being conquered and becoming one of the Philistines' principal cities. Gaza became part of the Assyrian Empire around 730 BCE.

What is Flotilla more usually associated with?

1 : a fleet of ships or boats especially : a navy organizational unit consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships.

Why is Gaza so poor?

Gaza Strip According to CIA's The World Factbook, Israel's closure policy, which was extended when the Hamas administration came to power in 2007, was responsible for high levels of poverty and unemployment and a significant decline of the private sector which was heavily reliant upon export markets.

Why does Egypt close border with Gaza?

Egyptian authorities had kept it open during the 11-day war between Israel and Hamas in May. … According to the Egyptian officials, the closure was connected to Cairo's efforts to broker a long-term cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

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