Hasan ı basri

What does the story of Hassan Basri teach us?

As one scholar has explained, the essence of Hasan's message was "otherworldliness, abstinence, poverty, and reverential fear of God, although he also spoke of the knowledge and love of God, which he contrasted with love and knowledge of the world."

Who is hasanul Basri?

al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī, in full Abū Saʿīd ibn Abī al-Ḥasan Yasār al-Baṣrī, (born 642, Medina, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]—died 728, Basra, Iraq), deeply pious and ascetic Muslim who was one of the most important religious figures in early Islam.

Where is Hasan Al Basri buried?

Zubayr district Hasan of Basra was a Sunni Islamic ulama, nicknamed as Abi Sayeed, born two years before the end of the era of the second Caliph Umar. The mausoleum is located in the Zubayr district where many cemeteries are situated….Mausoleum of Imam al-Hasan of Basra.

Mausoleum of Imam Hasan of Basra

Who is Al Hasan?

Al-Ḥasan ibn ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib (Arabic: الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب; 2 March 625 – 2 April 670 CE), also known in Shia Islam as Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (Arabic: الإمام الحسن المجتبى), was the firstborn son of Ali and Fatima, and a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Who is the first Sufi in the world?

According to the late medieval mystic, the Persian poet Jami, Abd-Allah ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah (died c. 716) was the first person to be called a "Sufi".

Who founded Sufism?

Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, a disciple of Khwaja Usman Harooni, the propounder of this order, introduced it in India. He came to India from Afghanistan with the army of Shihab-ud-Din Ghuri in 1192 AD and started living permanently in Ajmer from 1195.

Was Hazrat Rabia Basri married?

Rabia lived a free life, retaining 'full control and legal autonomy with respect to herself in that she is neither wife, nor slave, nor under any male authority'. Some scholars believe that as Rabi'a did not literally speak about the equality of men and women so it would be foolish to identify her as a feminist.