Mechanical vector transmission

Mechanical vectors transmit diseases by transporting the causative agent from contaminated material (e.g. faeces) on their feet or mouth parts and then spreading the pathogens or parasites on to human food, drink, faces or eyes.

What is the difference between biological and mechanical vector transmission?

Biological vectors, such as mosquitoes and ticks may carry pathogens that can multiply within their bodies and be delivered to new hosts, usually by biting. Mechanical vectors, such as flies can pick up infectious agents on the outside of their bodies and transmit them through physical contact.

What is mechanical disease transmission?

Mechanical transmission of disease. Mechanical transmission of disease pathogens occurs when a vector transports organisms, such as bacteria that cause dysentery, on its feet, body hairs and other body surfaces to the host. There is no multiplication or development of the pathogen within the vector's body.

What are the two types of vector transmission?

In epidemiology, a vector is an organism that does not cause disease itself but which transmits infection by conveying pathogens from one host to another. There are two types of vector that convey infectious organisms to a host: mechanical and biological.

What does mechanical vector mean?

n. A vector that simply conveys pathogens to a susceptible individual and is not essential to the development of the organism.

What are the 8 different modes of transmission?

Modes of transmission

  • Direct. Direct contact. Droplet spread.
  • Indirect. Airborne. Vehicleborne. Vectorborne (mechanical or biologic)

What is an example of vehicle transmission?

Common vehicle transmission: Common vehicle transmission refers to transmission through a contaminated source. Examples include food, medication, intravenous fluid, or equipment that transmits infection to multiple hosts.

What does vector transmission mean?

Vector transmission occurs when a living organism carries an infectious agent on its body (mechanical) or as an infection host itself (biological), to a new host. Vehicle transmission occurs when a substance, such as soil, water, or air, carries an infectious agent to a new host.